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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The fab-YOU list {Goodreads ARC}

How I got into all of this, might be blamed on a little website called goodreads.com. It's a phenomenal site where authors sometimes give ARC's (advanced reading copies) to the general public, in the hopes that people will read and review them.
Now, I don't absolutely LOVE memoirs/autobiographies/biographies...but I put my hat in the ring for this book,  won (yippee!), and I absolutely LOVED IT.
As someone who absolutely THRIVES on a list format, this made sense to me. Susan made a list of "40 things to do before she turns 40". I'm going to be reaching a milestone birthday soon (next year is the big 3-0), and I am thinking about doing something similar to it. The accounts of some of the activities is quite hilarious (like the story she tells about the charity ball, where really, the charity is run by women bitchier than the crazies in The Help, and more well to do as well. You also feel empowered when you read it...it's a group of goals that someone set out to do, and achieved. Some goals I would've NEVER thought of (trapeze...not quite for me). But it was a neat account of just how she achieved all of those goals, and how she felt during the process, as well as the gratification of how she felt afterward. It's an awesome perspective to have when sometimes all you feel is one year older.
Stars: 4/5 (while I enjoyed it, some parts did drag on if I wasn't into it).

You'd like this book if you like: Any type of self-help book where women feel empowered. Also, if you're nearing some sort of milestone in your own life that you are working toward, it gives the number less power to change you, and more power to change yourself before you reach that number.

How long did it take to finish this novel: about 2 days of night-time reading. It was short and sweet. :-)

Cost: pre-order: $17.95/ regular $24.95 {only available in hardcover)
Release Date: Sept. 10, 2013

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